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Friday, December 21, 2012

And So It Begins...

At 11:11 GMT today, the moment of perhaps the most anticipated solstice of modern times came to pass. And so it begins. Here we are, at the dawn of the rest of our lives. People will die today. People will be born today. People will live and love and feel every range of emotions today. In many ways, it is no different than any other day. And yet, it is a new day. It is a chance for each and every one of us to take pause and reflect upon the path that is unfurling before us. No need to look back. What matters is where you want to go from right here, right now.

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't change. Don't let anyone's expectations or assumptions box you in. You are not the sum of the opinions of others. You are a unique spark, shining brightly even in the storm. You have the power to become. You have the Light of all lights within you! You are sacred! Yes, you!!!

So take this moment... take this breath... and BECOME.


(c) Haley Steinhardt


  1. I am so glad I found your blog, Haley. I feel centered and light today. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sheila... and welcome! Blessings to you for the week ahead. Be well:)

  2. This is lovely Haley, and straight from the heart.

    Indeed, there is much before us and such exciting times.


  3. Thanks for sharing your spark here, Elaine! Blessings:)
